Tuesday, June 11, 2013

April showers bring.....cake!

Whew!  It has been a busy spring!  I think I have had 2 weekends that I was't making cake since the last week of March.  Anyone want to invest and help me start a cake shop?  I apologize in advance- this post is going to be a little long!

First up was my dad's birthday.  We didn't make him a cake, but we did have carrot cake truffles!  I made them for my mister for Valentine's day and they were excellent.  Since my dad loves carrot cake too- easy peasy dessert option!  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of those.

Next up was a cake for Morgan's mother in law's birthday.
Half strawberry, half white with buttercream frosting.  A few simple flowers and called it a day! 

Morgan's son also had a birthday.  Mitchell like Jake and the Neverland Pirates- so we found a design that was adorable- complete with toys to play with after the cake was gone! 

One layer chocolate, one white, with buttercream frosting.  I roughed up the sides a bit to give it some texture, then airbrushed the whole thing with layers of brown.  Sand is brown sugar, and the coins and treasure bag are fondant!

My boss's son Jack (you've seen his cakes one here before!) and their neighbor's daughter had parties the same weekend.  Princess cake for Ryleigh, and Fireman cake for Jack! 

Ryleigh's castle cake is made of yellow cake with buttercream frosting.  Towers are paper towel rolls covered with foam sheets, and topped with ice cream cone turrets.  

Jack had a fireman party at the firehouse!  So cool.  His cake was part chocolate, part white, with buttercream frosting.  It had dalmatian spots and we borrowed one of his toy firetrucks for the top.  The fireman has was modeling chocolate. 

A client from work found out I made cakes and asked for one for her grand daughter's birthday. Jasmine got puppy cupcakes for school, and had a Spongebob cake for her bowling alley birthday party.  
The cupcakes are white cake with whipped frosting.  I hear they were a big hit at school!

Jasmine's Spongebob cake is white cake with buttercream frosting and buttercream decorations.  Wish I could say I made the characters, but we cheated and found a combo pack of toys! 

Princess Ryleigh's youngest brother turned one- and had a Winnie the Pooh theme cake.  His nickname is Zach-a-roo....so Pooh fit perfectly.  And of course, he had a Roo smash cake! 

Zachary had yellow cake with buttercream frosting.  The "1" was carved from a larger cake.  The main cake was base iced and airbrushed (did I mention I LOVE my airbrush?).  We found a set of figurines with all the Winnie the Pooh characters.  Roo was initially baked in a mini bear pan, but he wasn't quite solid enough.  To fix the problem, I crumbled the cake, mix in a little frosting, and molded the figure again using the mini bear pan.  A bit of carving, and an addition of a nose topped with frosting and a fondant covering for his head and he was ready to go! 

Morgan also had a birthday in May, and wanted a Tinkerbell cake- complete with all her fairy friends.  Morgan's mom found a toy set with all 6 fairies from the "Secret of the Wings" movie.  She also had flower cookies to take to school.  

The fairy cake is white cake with buttercream frosting.  The pond is tinted piping gel.  A few buttercream flowers and edible pearls in the snow complete the combo winter/ spring scene.

A few friends of mine were having a race party for the Indy 500, and asked for a cake.  I borrowed a few cars from Jack (thanks buddy!) and set out to duplicate the Indy 500 logo.  
White cake with buttercream frosting. The Indy 500 logo is a colorflow design.  It was my first time using colorflow, and was pretty fun to make! 

Ryleigh and Zachary have another brother, Haydon, who turned 3.  He is a big sports fan, and loves the Kentucky Wildcats.
Haydon's cake is yellow with buttercream frosting, and sport themed cupcakes around the center cake.  All decorations are buttercream, and the UK logo was freehanded! 

More cakes coming soon- including a Harley Davidson cake!

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