Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jack's 1st Birthday

O how time flies....this time last year, I was moving into my new apartment, back in Indy after being in Bloomington for 7 years.  And, one year ago today, little Jack was born.  Jack is my boss's son, he and his wife's first child.  After seeing some of the other cakes I had done, Heather (Jack's mom) asked me about doing his first birthday cake.  Of course I said yes, and the theme....Monkeys!  Monkeys have been a bit of a theme for the first year of Jack's life, so it only seemed appropriate to have a monkey theme for his first birthday.

I started looking online to try and get some ideas, and the main ideas I saw just sort of fell short.  Most of what Heather and I found was based on one flat, character type pan, which was cute, but I knew I could do better.  Thanks to a little help from the Wilton forums, and a little creativity, we came up with a plan.  Here's the pics!

 To make the monkey, I used the Wilton stand up bear pan.  I moved the ears down a bit,  and added a cereal treat arm and banana which was covered in melting chocolate to give it a shine.  The face, feet, and belly were fondant.  
 Every baby needs a smash cake for their first birthday, so I used the mini bear pan and added fondant arms and legs to make him look a little more monkey like.  Moved his ears down too!
 Set-up at the party
 Happy Birthday Jack!

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