Tuesday, September 27, 2011

....and Fondant Fun

About a week before the gluten free cake was made, my mom had asked me if I might be able to help her with a cake.  My mom taught me a lot of the things I know about cake decorating, so I was excited that she trusted me to help her with something she'd never worked with before.....fondant.   She was making a lady bug cake for her assistant's daughter's 4th birthday.  The bugs would need to be smooth and shiny in order for everything to look perfect.  Mom and her assistant picked out the design they wanted.  We made the fondant, I started cutting out the shapes, and she iced the cake and got it ready.  Here is the final product!
One layer white, one chocolate, with buttercream frosting and fondant decorations.  How cute is this?!

Gluten Free......

Way back in April, an old friend from high school contacted me after seeing a few of my Facebook cake pictures, and asked if I could make a gluten free cake for her anniversary.  It would be her 1st anniversary this year, and they weren't going to be able to eat the original cake topper because she had recently found out that she was allergic to gluten.  Up until last month, I had never made anything gluten free before.  I did some research and looked for recipes before saying yes to this one.  She and I worked together on finding recipes for the cake.  I baked a couple different concoctions and asked my boss to try them, since he is the most selective eater I know, and he loves cake.  She sent me a picture of a cake design she liked, and I went to work!  Here is the outcome of the anniversary cake....
This anniversary cake is a gluten free white cake, with buttercream icing and fondant decor. 

I received one of the highest compliments a person could get on this cake- that it tasted great, especially for being gluten free, and that she would be recommending me in the future :)